Archive for the ‘ Kids ’ Category

Flippity Flap Fact Friday

Gooood Morning and Happy Friday 🙂

I am all hyped up on my coffee so excuse my stuttering fingers.  As always, before I educate your spongy minds ( I mean that in the best way possible – if thats possible) tomorrow we will be celebrating my father n laws 70th birthday.  Many of you know I lost my mom a couple years ago and in these last couple of years satan has tried to throw his worst species my way (seriously this post isnt about you – move on) but God has blessed me 10 times over with the most amazing family a woman could ever dream of.  As all you ladies know – when you marry, you marry them ALL 🙂

“My husband and I have never considered divorce… murder sometimes, but never divorce.” ~ Joyce Brothers

*** and now drum roll please (tried to spell it but your imagination will have to do) ***

A pig’s orgasm lasts for 30 minutes

Well Flippity FLAP!   Have a wonderful weekend



Mr Lil Man has blessed my life in so many ways .. Happy 11th Birthday .. Momma Loves You ❤

Tit for Tat Tuesday

I know its not Friday but I wanted to share a few photos from thee most exciting weekend.  My son played in Bangor, Maine (sorry my step son – some people choose their battles poorly) in the WORLD SERIES.  Yes yes they represented the United States in this series and they were welcomed home this past Sunday with a HUGE crowd and there will be a parade for them this Saturday.  SUPER proud and SUPER excited for them!!!!

You can also watch the interviews on: “Tough Loss for Lemon Grove All Stars”


Have a wonderful Tuesday!!!!

Friday Factual maybe?

Hey all sorry I skipped last Friday (still a bit blurry on what exactly happened that day-dont judge me)

Before I go into my factual fart-en-haggens I wanted to express how very proud I am of Lemon Grove Senior Division All Stars who are known in this series as team West and are currently in Bangor, Maine in the Semi-Finals today!!!!!  Tomorrow is the World Series and it will be televised on ESPN U.  I am an extremely proud momma and although I can not be there in person my heart is there completely.


With that being said and without further a-do (is that right?)

A typist fingers travel over twelve and a half miles in an average day

So can I count that as my daily exercise?

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas Nana and Tata!

Cerami Cafe

Chose the perfect paint

Time to get to work

Even dad came to watch the magic happen

The finished project – now to hand them off and pick them up after they’ve been put in the oven.

Merry Christmas Nana and Tata!!

❤ L & J

And the Award goes to . . . . .

Drumroll Please (drrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr) J Estrada, A Estrada and A Estrada Jr.!  Oh yea peeps 3 cousins by which they all are born on the exact same day one year apart received an award today.  Conspiracy you say?  Hmmmmm

Isnt he handsome :gush:

As we (Estrada Clan) entered the auditorium we turned to each other asking “wait is “J” getting an award? “A” to?  And “A Jr.”?  Hmmmmmm”.  Well it is Christmas time – OF COURSE our boys did a 180, they needed to insure every item they listed on their Christmas List will be waiting for them underneath the tree.  We all sat there (taking an entire row) and watched proudly and screamed their names as each were called.  People looked back at us (we always wear dark clothing and we all have dark hair) probably wondering who brought the lil mafia familia.  I laugh typing that but thats exactly how we looked.  My husband comes from a very big family so when we roll we roll deep.

Last night was a hectic one – today being the last day of school for two weeks, :sniff tear: sorry I still get very emotional when I think of their “break” from school.  Lord help me.  Sorry back to my point, our 14 yr old had a fiesta in his Spanish class and it was Potluck style so we opted for the easiest thing – sweet bread aka pan de dulce.  Also, this year I wanted to send a treat to my kids teachers.  The older ones got to pick one teacher each (highschool) and my youngest has two teachers so he automatically gets a gift for both.  I must say I do like my handy dandy gift choices – coffee thingies that keep the coffee hot with their favorite teams on them – 2 Chargers, 1 Steelers and a Purple one (no team).

And after a night filled with wrapping, cooking, cleaning, crying, drinking, laughing, massaging, laundry, baking, folding, mediating and finally kissing the kids good night it was time for me to admire my only card on my tree.

Its the simple things that make my day/night.  Have a wonderful weekend!

Facebook – I see you

Well good morning good morning

Now that I have my cup of Joe and more importantly you can see my pretty nails (I’m so proud of my new girly art skills) , lets get into the lovely topic of Facebook.

My husband and I decided that leaving facebook was the best for us.  We felt that privacy was a HUGE factor and also we really didnt see it as a positive tool in our lives.  Since then our teenagers have made it a habitual daily thing to log every piece of their lives online for all to see.  Although we dont have a facebook we do have our ways of monitoring whats being posted by our teens.  One of those ways is their other parents.  My daughter’s dad monitors her facebook religously and we thought my step sons mom would monitor his posts as well.

For the past couple of weeks my step son has been very verbal about things that go on in our home.  Of course I’m a step parent so of course I was the target.  Its all good though, being a parent and not a friend to your child can do that especially if your the “step” parent.  I wont go into it in detail but I will say this – shame on you and thank you.  Catching his handy work and the non mention of certain people’s actions actually provided a great communication exercise that benefited our lil family.  It also proves exactly what type of person(s) are out there.  Lets grow up, shall we.

Okay time for the catch up wrap up . . . . . Since September I have celebrated 10 years of marriage (bowing and thanking all of my 4 supporters/fans), had a full hysterectomy and got really good at smiling even though I feel like smashing everything in sight.  So in summary “the good the bad and the ugly” (HA good one!).

I was home recovering from surgery for almost 7 weeks – I managed to watch every season and every episode of Greys Anatomy.    Hello, a show about surgeons after going under the knife made perfect sense.  Plus my husband and I caught up on The Walking Dead.  Great shows but man did I have nightmares.  First being cut open and dying on the table to coming back to life trying to eat everyone in sight.  Yikes.

Gosh it feels good to be back.

June – Year 1

For all my devoted readers (all two of you) you may all know that June 2010 was a very rough month for me.  I lost a wonderful person that, without a doubt, made each day of my life full of love – my mom.  It was a very difficult time in my life and it really opened my eyes to many things.  I have truly appreciated truth, a true friend, love, alcohol, smiles, kisses, new friends and committment (perhaps not in that order).  I have also discovered people can big assholes.  I mean BIG ASSHOLES.

I know my mom is very proud of the woman/mom/wife/friend/sister/daughter I have turned out to be.  She raised me to believe that no matter how the public/church/”friends”/family view me as a person or my beliefs, that I am ME and to never change.  To love with my whole entire heart and soul and getting hurt just meant growing up.  I know my mom is with me every day, every day I feel her.  I love you mom.

With that being said, to all you BIG assholes guess what?  I’m still standing.  And I’m not afraid of any of you.  No matter how much you want to hate me or the life I lead – you might as well close your eyes and walk away.  Just because I dont do what YOU want me to do – or feel/pray/eat/shit/sleep/drink the way YOU want – oh effin well.

Have you forgotten?  I’m my mother’s child.

“Who are you to judge the life I live?
I know I’m not perfect
-and I don’t live to be-
but before you start pointing fingers…
make sure you hands are clean!”
— Bob Marley

Appreciation for you my friend

As a woman you experience periods in your life when you feel loved, wanted, needed and appreciated.  Well today is NOT that day for me.  In fact it hasn’t been my whole dang week. 


My boss said something to me yesterday that got me completely exhausted.  He said “With my wife being home from surgery and I’m left with the kids, household stuff, cooking cleaning, driving, sports and work I’m drained.  Josie, how do you do it?  You do this every day.  You get the kids going you come to work then your off to your home to cook, drive, sports, wash, clean.  When the hell do you have time to shit?”  I stared at him and I immediately wanted to cry and oddly enough I actually had to think about when the last time I actually shit – no need to panic with all the thinking about when I actually did made me have to do it. 


I honestly feel Mother’s Day or any day that a parent is recognized (Birthday, Anniversary’s or even Happy Hour) should be an every day event.  Sometimes we lose sight of appreciation for the people that wake up to care for us every day. 


I had an amazing mom.  Her every breath was for her children and grandchildren.  I unfortunately lost her almost one year ago June 25th and I have to tell you, if I could have just 5 seconds to give her a HUGE hug I would trade one of my children HAHA okay maybe not one of my children but you know what I mean. 


Take a moment and appreciate someone today.  For me I will say thank you to the bank teller that will cash my check and hand me my cash.  For if it wasn’t for that person’s pressing of key on that handy little computer I would have to wait in line for the ATM. 


Happy Hump Day!